Zug überquert Brücke in Reutlingen, im Hintergrund ist die Achalm zu sehen (Bild: Manfred Grohe)

Mobility & traffic

Einstiegshilfe Talent 2 Zug (Bild: © bwegt)

Public transport

The Ministry of Transport is an advocate for an improved bus, tram and train system. The goal is to double the number of passengers by 2030. Metropolitan and peripheral areas offer a huge amount of potential.

Karlsruher Hafen (Bild: Manfred Grohe)


Baden-Württemberg is proud of its outstanding transport links with its well-developed road network. The days of increasing traffic figures are slowly coming to an end, which is partly due to demographic changes.


Fahrradspur (Bild: Fotolia.com)

Cycling traffic

The bicycle is the modern and flexible answer to a variety of current social challenges such as air pollution control, noise, traffic jams and health issues due to lack of exercise. Therefore, the Ministry of Transport systematically supports cycling traffic as a key aspect of future mobility.

Stromstecker steckt in E-Auto-Ladesäule.


Today, around 20 percent of all German electric cars are already being driven in Baden-Württemberg. The state government aims to increase the number of vehicles with electric drives in Baden-Württemberg to 200,000 by 2020.

Autonomes fahren (Bild: Fotolia.com)

Other means of transport

Further transport and developments can be found on the following page.

Feuerwehrleute stehen am 11.07.2009 nach einem Unfall bei Schelklingen (Alb-Donau-Kreis) neben dem Wrack eines Autos.  Ein privates Autorennen zweier junger Männer in Baden-Württemberg ist in einer Tragödie geendet. Bild: Uwe Köhle dpa/lsw

Traffic Safety

The Traffic Safety Screening (TSS) is part of the road safety concept.  A tool such as the TSS is necessary to meet the requirements of the EU safety policy for road traffic infrastructure as well as the "Vision Zero" goal in Baden-Württemberg.

Stapel an Zeitschriften


Publications on various topics of the Ministry of Transport can be found here.